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Articles Written
Java Streams anyMatch vs Streams noneMatch
In this tutorial, we will see the small difference between anyMatch and noneMatch method in streams java. Lets say you have integer array and you want to see a particular number presented in array or not. For same requirement if we use noneMatch will return false. That mean something is matching. Here is full video…
Streams Summary Statistics in Java
First thing to remember summaryStatistics is only applicable for integer array/List not for strings. This will provide summary information of integer list/array like min element,max element, sum ,count and avaerage. Tutorial :
5 Different Ways To Sum All Elements in Array Java
Approach 1: 1)Take Stream Object on Array then apply sum method directly. Approach 2: 2)Take Stream Object on array then apply reduce method by passing lambda expression. Approach 3 : 3) Take Stream Stream object based on array then apply reduce method by passing method referencing in java Approach 4: 4) Create IntStream from array…
Print Only Odd Numbers in Array Using Streams in Java
In this article, I will explain how to print only even numbers from integer array using streams in java. 1)Lets take numbers array and initialize with some values 2)Then Arrays.stream(numberArray) with give you stream object. There you have lots of methods. Since we need to filter only odd numbers we can apply filter method with…
Print Only Even Numbers in Array Using Streams in Java
In this article, I will explain how to print only even numbers from integer array using streams in java. 1)Lets take numbers array and initialize with some values 2)Then Arrays.stream(numberArray) with give you stream object. There you have lots of methods. Since we need to filter only even numbers we can apply filter method with…
Read From Properties File Spring Boot Using @value
In this article , we will learn how to read values from properties file using @value annotation in spring boot. Suppose you have kept some fields like this in application.properties file to get key field value, we can use @Value(“${key:someDefault}”)private String key; Here we have used Default value as well. This is good practise. Just…